
Sunday, August 19, 2012

DSDN 112 - Unexpected Gatorade experience

Unexpected Gatorade experience

My object that I chose to design is an unexpected Gatorade experience. The senses that are incorporated into the design are, sight, smell, and touch interaction. The unexpected Gatorade experience is that when the user goes to say tip some of the Gatorade into a cup and none comes out, Instead an entirely different object comes out such as blue M&Ms. The feeling that the user would touch on would be disappointment for a second then the disappointment turning into something like excitement.

The way the interactive object is caused to work is the bottle has been sliced in half with a holding chamber for the M&Ms. The holding chamber has been attached to the bottom of the piece where the lid screws onto. This was the best way as it would show the Gatorade traveling up to the lid but not being able to escape the bottle. The chamber where the M&Ms are being held is quite long so that when the user looks at it briefly the M&Ms are not visible.

How to use the object is simply by unscrewing the lid of the bottle and either going to try and pour the drink into your mouth or into a cup. A cup would end up working better as several users wouldn’t want to try to drink from the same bottle.

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