
Thursday, August 23, 2012

DSDN 142 - Final combined images

Final combined images

Final combined four panels that form from structure into noise by the squares scattering more and the opacity being changed to show the stroke of the other squares coming through.

DSDN 142 - Final single images

Final single images

DSDN 142 - Final colour selection

Final colour selection

After changing the colours a lot I came to the final two to decide what's the best. The red looks really good with the transparency but didn't want to just have a plain white background and I found that the backgrounds with the red colours didn't go as well together as the blue does with the more pale blue. 

DSDN 142 - Colour experimenting

Colour experimenting

Some of the colour experiments that I produces by just changing the background colour, shape colour and line colour. 

DSDN 142 - Experimenting with 'random'

Experimenting with 'random'

Started to experiment with random to see what type of noise that i could create. I suceeded on getting it all to overlap then where i will experiment with changing the opacity so i have darker and lighter shades of colours coming through with also the black outlines of the squares.
(ignore the colour, It's just so i know where the squares are.)

DSDN 142 - X and y experimenting

X and y experimenting

Began to experiment with timesing the x and y veriables to see how the pattern would change and it would stay quite structured.

DSDN 142 - Possible starting image

Possible starting image

Changed the code slightly finding a point where i thought looked really good with structure as a starting point. i have changed from my starting drawing a bit but keeping along the same sort of line with over lapping squares and changing the transparency or opacity.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DSDN 142 - Pattern starting

Pattern starting

The starting code of my pattern. I was going to make mine as a whole and then cut it up into four panels at the end. once it is finished. The noise that will show is by changing the transparency. 

DSDN 142 - Development


From the concept idea I changed it a bit having it still all overlapping and as it moves down or along the page it gradually gets bigger and rotates.

(Writing on the side is methods of how the script can work in processing.)

DSDN 142 - Concepts

Concept ideas

Some ideas of patterns that came to my head and decided to sketch down to narrow down on what I wanted to develop further. The one that I chose to develop The multiple squares one on the bottom left of the page.

Monday, August 20, 2012

DSDN 104 - Inspiration


Came accross some models that i thought were really wicked and how they have been done just work perfectly. They have been made from skateboard decks scliced up and layered much like how this project will be done. How the jaggered layers are left is really effective showing part of the skateboard deck form still.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

DSDN 112 - Eight images

Eight images

DSDN 112 - Unexpected Gatorade experience

Unexpected Gatorade experience

My object that I chose to design is an unexpected Gatorade experience. The senses that are incorporated into the design are, sight, smell, and touch interaction. The unexpected Gatorade experience is that when the user goes to say tip some of the Gatorade into a cup and none comes out, Instead an entirely different object comes out such as blue M&Ms. The feeling that the user would touch on would be disappointment for a second then the disappointment turning into something like excitement.

The way the interactive object is caused to work is the bottle has been sliced in half with a holding chamber for the M&Ms. The holding chamber has been attached to the bottom of the piece where the lid screws onto. This was the best way as it would show the Gatorade traveling up to the lid but not being able to escape the bottle. The chamber where the M&Ms are being held is quite long so that when the user looks at it briefly the M&Ms are not visible.

How to use the object is simply by unscrewing the lid of the bottle and either going to try and pour the drink into your mouth or into a cup. A cup would end up working better as several users wouldn’t want to try to drink from the same bottle.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

DSDN 112 - Colour experiments

Colour experiment

My attempt on the left.
Tried to make the same colour as the Gatorade drink. Managed to get close but my attempt was more transparent. If I was to use this it wouldn't work as well as the user may notice it's not the right colour. 

DSDN 112 - Holding chamber

Holding chamber

One of the attempts of making a holding chamber out of clear plastic. cut it to size and taped it to see how well it would work. Worked well but hard to get perfect size so I experimented with different things.

Chopped up a different bottle to see how well it would work. Seems to work the best so far so I'm going to re-cut the Gatorade bottle in the correct place. The new place I cut the bottle will allow the bottle to be fully filled with liquid.

DSDN 112 - Process

No more ice tea bottle

Talked to a few people about my project and the interaction. Came to the conclusion that using the ice tea and premo bottle won't be as effective as the user can't see the liquid in the bottle. Best is to go back to the Gatorade bottle and develop the holding chamber of the solid objects.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

DSDN 112 - Bottle experimenting

Bottle experimenting

Have been looking to see what bottles would best suit to be cut a modified for my project to work. I feel that the Arizona iced tea bottle would work better then the Gatorade as the whole bottle is covered so that the parts inside won't be visible. The bottle also has a longer neck on it making it better so when the user goes to put it up to their face they won't see the objects on the inside that will come out instead of the liquid.
However I would like the user to be able to see some of the liquid in the bottle so it gives them more of that excitement as it is viewable when tilted to its side.

DSDN 112 - Exterimenting


Designed a extended part to the bottle on the inside so that the drink can travel up further making it seem as if it's more real. The idea would work well but the bottle that is being used it can be seen as the top at the bottle is really clear and the label doesn't go up to far. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

DSDN 112 - Investigation

Different bottle investigation

At first I began to experiment with using a Gatorade bottle for my interaction but found that it wouldn't work as well as the top half is visible and would be able to see the objects at the top of the bottle.

I had the idea of using a Premo bottle as the bottle its self is frosted making it hard to see through but also the plastic cover is over the whole bottle not being able to see the liquid or the surprise solids at the top of the bottle near the cap.

Monday, August 13, 2012

DSDN 104 - Space edit

Hero model space edit

Decided to see what my hero model would look like edited into a galaxy. It managed to come out 
nicely and not exactly look out of place. The broken up mesh of it  makes it work well and as if it is part of the image.

DSDN 104 - Hero model

Final hero model

My final hero model displaying the three words collision, twisting and suffocation. All of the words have been incorporated into the hero model with the use of texture and lighting. The shadows strongly display collision with their placement and transparency. 

DSDN 104 - Hero model renders

Hero model renders

The out come of rendering out my hero model experimenting with mainly lighting and textures. The textures that I experimented with were all very different and using bump maps to give the model more depth. Shadows were changing a lot through the process trying to get the density correct and the relationship with the model.

DSDN 104 - Final 81 iterations

Final 81 iterations

The final composition and product of the 81 iterations that i have created using 3Ds Max. The final layout of the iterations was inspired by the solar system and the paths of what planets orbit. The final came out a a bit darker then expected as I had used 'Print size assistant' but found it works well still showing the collision of the shadows and dominance of the iterations with how the colours and contrast has been used.

DSDN 104 - Render experiments

Render experiments of 81 models

First experiment of rendering 81 iterations using lighting to see what holds the dominance.

Didn't end like the position of the camera and lighting and decided to try show collision with in the lighting.

Experimenting with materials colours, gloss, transparency, and translucency.
I wanted something that would be easy to look at showing off all the 81 models but still having effective lighting and the composition of the models.