
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DSDN 112 - Final film

Final film

Here is the link to the final film that I have created for the application made. 

Credit of the song goes to Adore. Album released 29/06/2009

Link to song used:
Adore - Search to belong
Song released 27/06/2009

The film that I have created is based on my president that was an advert for a Samsung Galaxy III. It shows how the application is used for a user to get around the kelburn campus. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

DSDN 112 - Finalised music

Finalised music

After experimenting with the different songs I had in the film I came to think that the best one that works was Adore - Search to belong.

Link to track that is used in film.

DSDN 112 - Watermarks


Made some overlay watermarks in Photoshop that briefly explains what the application can do. These will fade in and out of different parts of the film down the bottom. The grey is at a low opacity so it doesn't block out any of the film. I have made about 5 different ones of these.

DSDN 112 - Effects added

Effects added

All of the clips that I had added had effects put on them to help with colour. The effects that were used are colour correcter, colour balance, and colour curves. Some of the segments of clips also have effects animated into them with brightness and contrast for flash ins and fade outs.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

DSDN 112 - Intro


Decided to make an intro in after effects based on the add that I watched for the Samsung Galexy. I slowed down a clip of the user using his phone and blurred it out as the second part of the text came in. To open the clip I will have a white flash in and out when it's brought back into Vegas.

Intro made:

DSDN 112 - Intro / outro

Intro/ outro

After the intro that i made had been put in Vegas 10 I made a simple still screen that ill have come after and partly zoom in on the 'Amazing'.



Before the credits These two screens will flash in and out from white telling the viewers to download it now. They will flash quite quick not having to look at them very long at all.

DSDN 112 - Clipping

Movie clipping

I Layed out my clips in Sony Vegas 10 and began to choose the best to fit together with smooth transitions. The audio of the actual clips will be removed and the audio that I found will be inserted and clips edited to fit nicely to the film.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

DSDN 112 - Possible music

Possible music

I searched though listening to different songs that aren't copy right. I found that the bottom song would work the best with what I'm doing. I don't want much talking or any talking at all in my video. The music will work with having text presented at the bottom of the video like on the video that I researched into.

Advertising video that I researched liking the use of music and text witting with showing off the product used.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

DSDN 112 - Inspiration and ideas


Introducing Samsung GALAXY S III - A Day in the Life

Was browsing Youtube looking at how commercials have been filmed and the use of speech, text and visuals of the object. Also noticed the transitions of how it's being used and who's using it. The colours are bright and vibrant being edited to make it look really clean and crisp. Visual text is mostly used in this which I like as it draws the viewers eyes to watch the screen where music also plays a big part in the commercial.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

DSDN 142 - Background


Wanted to make a gradient to make the final look crisp and well presented. I cam up with a gradient to make the sea anemones look under water with the darker coloured blue at the bottom and just slightly lighter at the top. Very faint in the background are white dots that look like bubbles in the distance. I found that the colours worked well all together making the coded design have a more realistic feel and look.

DSDN 142 - Rotation

Rotation fail

I had a friend to have a look at my code to try work with me to make each image rotate as before but weren't able to. managed to get the sea anemones to appear but they were at the largest of their size and would rotate from the top left had corner of the image not from the centre. When the mouse moved over them they didn't end up expanding and shrinking back down again. 

DSDN 142 - Colour experiments

Colour experiments

Went through a range of colour experiments with all the colours taken from one of my precedents a sea anemone. The two colour schemes that i like the most are the second and third big images. When they are clustered together and transparent overlapping they look so life like just moving around on the screen. Im unsure on what to pick to be the final colours. 

Colours taken from this image.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

DSDN 142 - Spinning interaction

Spinning interaction

Been trying to add in a rotation function to my code. So when the mouse is pressed the sea anemones (called in images) will rotate individually. The error that i keep end up getting is the script works but the whole of images as a cluster rotates instead of individually. Or the other one is that when clicked and held it makes a new sea anemone in the centre of the canvas and it rotates but the rest of them don't rotate at all. 

I have looked on different forums to see what people have coded to see if it is similar to mine but haven't been able to figure out what i am doing wrong.

DSDN 142 - Mouse interaction

Mouse interaction

Have the code for the interaction done so when the mouse swipes over the sea anemone at a certain distance that i can change the sea anemone will explode out to a size limit that is set and then slowly shrink back down to what the original size was. I can change the speed that the shrinking as well. The images are all centred in the scene now. 

DSDN 142 - Tinting

Image tinting/ opacity 

After staring at my code for awhile and watch the sea anemone drifting around the screen i realised that it would look better if the image would was at a lower opacity. I used the 'tint' function having it to be half the brightnesses. Now when the sea anemones overlap it looks more smother and gives it a sense of depth. When other colours are incorporated into it it will also look better when they overlap one another.

DSDN 142 - Importing imagery

Importing imagery

Imported the image that i found and Photoshoped to be the right scale. Also made the scale to that each image between a certain scale making the scene look a bit more exciting. Found out that the images seem to stay down in the bottom right hand corner of the screen so i will have to fix them to be more centred.    

DSDN 142 - Imagery


Found an image of a tentacle looking object that well suits my project relating back to my precedents. I ended up colouring it in Photoshop and making it smaller so it can be imported into my code and not be at a massive scale. I have chosen blue for now as it will be easy to see when importing into my code. I will come back to make it more suit a sea anemone with its colours later. 

DSDN 142 - Developing code

Developing code

Managed to get rid of the joining lines when the dots get near and looking at increasing the count of dots on the screen. Not sure on how to manipulate the dot to look like a tentacle when expanded though.

DSDN 142 - Changing code

Changing code

Found a different code that i found would work easier for what interaction i'm trying to display. To start off i will look at removing the lines that form when the dots are near each other.

DSDN 104 - Final Photo

Final Photo

This final photo was chosen as it shows off the complexity of my model and how it relates to its precedents with the middle part the look of a white blood cell virus and the outer shell in the shape of a red blood cell and the deleted mesh.

DSDN 104 - Final Render

Final Render

I ended up choosing this as my final render as the composition and lighting work well to display what model is the hero. I have chosen the textures on my hero model as it relates really well back to the red blood cells and white blood cell viruses look. The bump map has worked well to display this with having it different with the inner of them model to the outer shell of the hero model. The lighting is soft so it doesn't take the dominance away from the models but shows the complexity of what the models involve and relate to the precedents chosen. 

DSDN 104 - Model Photos

Model photos

After photographing my model at different angles and in different lights i came out with a wide outcome of photos to choose from. I wanting to find one that best showed the detail and how it represents to my presidents. The last two photos are what were the best outcomes. 

DSDN 104 - Textures


I experimented with lots of different textures that i uvw rapped onto the models. The hero model i found ended up looking better with two different textures on it with the bump map turned up alot and then the two models in the background having the same texture but applied differently so it doesn't look completely the same.

DSDN 104 - positioning

Model positioning

Tested out different positioning for the final models chosen. I didn't want the hero model to be looking the same as the other to so i found that the bottom render worked best with the hero at the front taking dominance and other two kinda of randomly placed behind.

DSDN 104 - Shadow experiments

Shadow experiments

Experimented alot with using lighting on my models playing with spotlights and area omini and skylights. I found that the best result came from using the omini light having them placed inside each of my three models. With them placed like this it projected a shadow showing the holes in my hero model and how complex it is and giving each model a good over all contrast with the grey background.

DSDN 104 - final 3 choice

final 3 choice

 After looking through the 20 different iterations that i had done i decided to choose these three as they are a whole lot different from each other but also strongly relate to my model artists. The top model relates with a cluster of white bloog cell viruses. The second is taking the shape of the DNA helix and bending and shifting it to join together creating a interesting shape that can also relate to how the red blood cells look. The final one is a hybrid of how the white blood cell model looks and also the  red blood cell with the holes and the overall shape.