
Friday, October 5, 2012

DSDN 112 - 200 word discription

200 word description of application

The application that I have designed is a simple mapping device that allows the user to log in using their myVictoria username and password. With this log in feature it allows users to share locations and other things via social networks such as, Facebook, Tumblr, Blogger, and Rss. What the application ‘Picture map’ involves is a feature where they are able to take a photo of their location that they are standing at. From that location the application uses satellite to log the users location then directing them to a screen where there are input fields of what their destination is such as Kirk, 301, 3rd floor. After the user has logged the information of their destination a simple but easy to read map pops up with a red arrow showing the way. A button on the map also allows the viewer to see their desired destination.  Another feature to ‘Picture map’ that goes with the camera feature is that it stores the photos so the once logged in the user can scroll through previously visited locations and captured locations with the co-ordinates. The feature would be useful when the user is nearby to a past location.  The last feature that the application has is settings that have help functions, about, and privacy settings. 

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