
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DSDN 112 - Final film

Final film

Here is the link to the final film that I have created for the application made. 

Credit of the song goes to Adore. Album released 29/06/2009

Link to song used:
Adore - Search to belong
Song released 27/06/2009

The film that I have created is based on my president that was an advert for a Samsung Galaxy III. It shows how the application is used for a user to get around the kelburn campus. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

DSDN 112 - Finalised music

Finalised music

After experimenting with the different songs I had in the film I came to think that the best one that works was Adore - Search to belong.

Link to track that is used in film.

DSDN 112 - Watermarks


Made some overlay watermarks in Photoshop that briefly explains what the application can do. These will fade in and out of different parts of the film down the bottom. The grey is at a low opacity so it doesn't block out any of the film. I have made about 5 different ones of these.

DSDN 112 - Effects added

Effects added

All of the clips that I had added had effects put on them to help with colour. The effects that were used are colour correcter, colour balance, and colour curves. Some of the segments of clips also have effects animated into them with brightness and contrast for flash ins and fade outs.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

DSDN 112 - Intro


Decided to make an intro in after effects based on the add that I watched for the Samsung Galexy. I slowed down a clip of the user using his phone and blurred it out as the second part of the text came in. To open the clip I will have a white flash in and out when it's brought back into Vegas.

Intro made:

DSDN 112 - Intro / outro

Intro/ outro

After the intro that i made had been put in Vegas 10 I made a simple still screen that ill have come after and partly zoom in on the 'Amazing'.



Before the credits These two screens will flash in and out from white telling the viewers to download it now. They will flash quite quick not having to look at them very long at all.

DSDN 112 - Clipping

Movie clipping

I Layed out my clips in Sony Vegas 10 and began to choose the best to fit together with smooth transitions. The audio of the actual clips will be removed and the audio that I found will be inserted and clips edited to fit nicely to the film.