
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DSDN 142 - changing shape

Shape coding

Managed to make some unique shapes from my orrigonal by taping a key on the keyboard. I set spacebar so when pressed  one of the sides 'aLength' changed by 2.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

DSDN 104 - Iterations

Twisting iterations

I began to collapse the modifiers and using the twist modifier again on different axies by a small amount. The middle iteration has been altered by using the pre-set rotation tool and  gizmo under the modifier drop down list. 

I have carried on to collapse the modifiers and add symmetry to the all of them and begin to bend them more  on different axies.

DSDN 104 - Iterations

Starting iterations

Began to start twisting the starting form using the twist modifier in 3Ds Max. The first iteration was done by using the twist iteration on the x axies, with the angle of 100. The second angle was at 200 and third increased to 400.

DSDN 104 - Solid work form

Starting iteration

Started with this image that I imported to 3ds max from solidworks. This starting iteration is coming from my word twisting.

DSDN 142 - Symbol coding

Symbol coding

Coded the shape that i have decided on and now going to work on transforming it making different compositions. I would like to work out the key feature so it flows alot better.

DSDN 142 - Shape process

Shape process

Found a emblem that I thought I could develop differently to use as my coding shape. the middle wouldn't consist of a circular shape though it would be a rotated square.

Drew the shape in Adobe Photoshop of what is now going to be taken into processing.

DSDN 142 - Star coding

Finished star coding

Finished coding the star of the first shape i thought of doing but have decided to change. I will now be doing a different shape that I got an idea off a emblem.

Friday, July 27, 2012

DSDN 112 - Research

Optical illusion research

Began to start exploring the optical illusion side of touch and vision. Came across some images that really throw the eye perception off. I thought that this could be displayed some how on a object having it interactive and the illusion pop out at the user as a surprise. 

DSDN 112 - Categorizing

Categorizing objects

Sorted objects that were interactive and fun into piles best describing there similarities then wrote a chart logging what is the same with in the group. E.g What do you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste of the objects.

DSDN 112 - Sight

Sight brainstorm

A quick brainstorm that was done at the end of a tutorial session of  how the different senses can link and what they involve.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

DSDN 104 - President images

President images

Verb: Suffocating

I decided on this image for suffocation as triggered a thought back to where the idea of the words came from, a car crash. it reminds me of metal being suffocated all bent and twisted together.

Adjective: Twisting

This sculpture described the word twisting really well being plain and simple.


This image displaying collision i found best suited as i like how hectic it is directing down to a choke point with shards spread around.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

DSDN 142 - Drawn shapes

Drawn shapes

Began to come up with some interesting shapes just quite abstract and random to then move into processing and see what one I like the most and can develop on.

DSDN 112 - Class discussion

Class object discussion

Bought in two objects one being fun and the other more interactive. The fun object that I decided on was the lighter as it is an item that is always being picked up and fiddled with. You see people striking the wheel making a spark without noticing as it's just a normal thing to to. The more interactive item i chose was a play station remote as by its self it isn't as much fun and don't want to play with it. When it is one with say a game though fingers are in constant contact with the buttons and joysticks interacting with them.

Monday, July 23, 2012

DSDN 104 - iterations


Started to learn modifiers on 3Ds Max took a basic 2 ringed object with one ring horizontal and other vertical. I used the modifier twist on y axis with a negative angle and bias. I will continue to experiment with different modifiers to see the the outcomes. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

DSDN 142 - Shape coding

Shape coding

Starting coding the shape that i chose. managed to start the first point of the star. The beginning of the tutorial we were set out to write instructions on how to draw the shape before we began to code.

DSDN 112 - Object discussion

Object discussion

On Friday each person had to bring in objects that related to different senses, eg. touch, hearing, sight, smell.
Two of the items that i brought in were perfume and Lego. The Lego was for touch where I described it as feeling different when you run your fingers over it with the more pressure that is applied. I explained that the smell of the perfume was quite over powering and had a sharp sent to it but can change and smell differently by different people that wear it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

DSDN 104 - Three words

Three words

With the three words that I chose for this I had a train of thought that I explored from the one word, car crash. I thought of possible things that are a part of the crash and explored it right down to the word twist, where in a collision the metal of the cars can be all bent and twisted.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DSDN 142 - Openprocessing


I thought that this openprocess upload was really awesome as it was interactive with lines following your mouse as you move it. When you click a colourful circle also expands bigger and bigger with it continuously inverting slowly.